
RDMbites | Analysis Organisation

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Human and machine readable filenaming:
Characters to use and avoid in filenames:

Creators: Phillip Crout ( )
Reviewers: Robert Andrews (

The RDMbites are funded by the ELIXIR-UK: FAIR Data Stewardship training UKRI award (MR/V038966/1)

00:27 Learning objectives
00:48 Introducing Analysis Organisation
01:37 Some Guidelines
02:42 Getting Started
03:13 Acknowledgements

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


Keywords: data management, RDM

Resource type: Video Lecture

Learning objectives:

Understand what 'analysis organisation' is.
Know how this relates to data management.
Understand what best practice in this space looks like.
Have an idea of how you could get started organising your analyses.

Contributors: Phillip Crout, Robert Andrews

Activity log