Basic Statistical Tests

  1. Introduction

  2. Hypothesis Testing

  3. Choosing Between Parametric & Non-Parametric Tests

  4. T-Test for Comparing Two Groups

  5. T-Test – Interpreting Software Output

  6. Paired T-Test

  7. Mann-Whitney U-Test to Compare Two Groups When Data Are Not Normally Distributed

  8. Log-Rank Test for Analysing ‘Time to Event’ Data

  9. Methods to Compare Three or More Groups

  10. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

  11. Kruskall-Wallis Test for Non-Normal Data

  12. Hypothesis Testing – Points to Remember

  13. Reporting Results & Format for P-Values

  14. Practical Exercise Roundup

  15. Tests for Binary & Categorical Data – Introduction

  16. Chi-Square Test & Fisher’s Exact Test - Binary Data

  17. Chi-Square Test & Fisher’s Exact Test for Unordered Categorical Data

  18. Tests for Ordinal Categorical Data

  19. Correlation Analysis

  20. Regression Analysis

  21. Spearman Rank Correlation Analysis for Non-Normal Data

  22. Introduction to Multiple Regression & Logistic Regression

  23. Summary of Tests

  24. Going Beyond Simple Comparisons

  25. Statistical Packages

Licence: Other (Not Open)

Keywords: Statistical tests, Roslin Institute

Authors: Helen Brown

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