RNA-seq module Frederik Coppens

RNA-seq module Frederik Coppens




  • Frederik Coppens, @frcop

Top | Keywords | Authors | Description | Aims | Prerequisites | Target audience | Learning objectives | Materials | Data | Technical requirements | Literature references


Give a general overview of Next-Generation Sequencing: platforms, data formats, data analysis


This introduction to NGS aims to make you familiar with the most important sequencing platforms used currently. Also the commonly used data formats will be listed and their features detailed. Finally a general overview of the different steps required for data analysis is given.

Top | Keywords | Authors | Description | Aims | Prerequisites | Target audience | Learning objectives | Materials | Data | Technical requirements | Literature references


  • None

Target audience

  • beginner (biologist)

Learning objectives

  • dependent on submodule

Top | Keywords | Authors | Description | Aims | Prerequisites | Target audience | Learning objectives | Materials | Data | Technical requirements | Literature references


  • Introduction to sequencing platforms
  • Introduction to file formats


### Description
not applicable


not applicable

Top | Keywords | Authors | Description | Aims | Prerequisites | Target audience | Learning objectives | Materials | Data | Technical requirements | Literature references

Technical requirements

  • dependent on submodule

Literature references

  • dependent on submodule

Top | Keywords | Authors | Description | Aims | Prerequisites | Target audience | Learning objectives | Materials | Data | Technical requirements | Literature references

Keywords: HTS-introduction

Authors: Frederik Coppens, @frcop

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