Introduction to Statistical Modelling

  1. Introduction

  2. One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Recap

  3. Two-Way ANOVA - Assessing Two Effects in Same Model

  4. Two-Way ANOVA - Allowing for Structure in The Data

  5. Paired T-Test Using Two-Way ANOVA & ANOVA With More Effects

  6. Regression Recap

  7. General Linear Models (GLMs) - Introduction

  8. GLM Fitting Categorical & Continuous Effects

  9. Using GLMs to Adjust for Confounding Variables & Using GLMS for Prediction

  10. GLMS – general points

  11. GLMS – checking model assumptions

  12. GLMs - General Points

  13. Models for Other Data Types

  14. Logistic Regression

  15. Logistic Regression Example – Assessing Risk Factors

  16. Logistic Regression Example Continued – Predicting Risk

  17. Logistic Regression – General Points

  18. Ordinal Logistic Regression

  19. Survival Analysis

  20. Repeated Measures Data

  21. Mixed (or Multilevel) Models

  22. Choice of Software Package

  23. Self-Learning Resources

Licence: Other (Not Open)

Keywords: Statistical modelling, Roslin Institute

Authors: Helen Brown

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