Introduction to Mixed Models

  1. Introduction

  2. What Are Mixed Models?

  3. Potential Advantages of Mixed Models

  4. Historical Perspective

  5. Example 1: Biological & Technical Replicates

  6. Example 2: Rabbit Inspiration Time – Sources of Variation

  7. Non-Normal Data

  8. Example 3: Non-normal data

  9. Trials Involving Comparisons Between Units

  10. Example 4: Crossover Trial

  11. Repeated Measures Data

  12. Practical considerations – Negative Variance Components

  13. Significance Testing for Fixed Effects

  14. Model Assumptions & Model Checking Methods

  15. Sample Size Estimation

  16. Explaining A Mixed Model

  17. Statistical Packages

Licence: Other (Not Open)

Keywords: Mixed models, Roslin Institute

Authors: Helen Brown

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