hands-on tutorial

Hands-on for 'Version Control with Git' tutorial

The questions this addresses are:
- What is version control and why should I use it?
- How do I get set up to use Git?
- Where does Git store information?
- How do I record changes in Git?
- How do I check the status of my version control repository?
- How do I record notes about what changes I made and why?
- How can I identify old versions of files?
- How do I review my changes?
- How can I recover old versions of files?

The objectives are:
- Understand the benefits of an automated version control system.
- Understand the basics of how automated version control systems work.
- Configure git the first time it is used on a computer.
- Understand the meaning of the --global configuration flag.
- Create a local Git repository.
- Describe the purpose of the .git directory.
- Go through the modify-add-commit cycle for one or more files.
- Explain where information is stored at each stage of that cycle.
- Distinguish between descriptive and non-descriptive commit messages.
- Explain what the HEAD of a repository is and how to use it.
- Identify and use Git commit numbers.
- Compare various versions of tracked files.
- Restore old versions of files.

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: data-science

Target audience: Students

Resource type: hands-on tutorial

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