hands-on tutorial

Hands-on for 'Text-mining with the SimText toolset' tutorial

The questions this addresses are:
- How can I automatically collect PubMed data for a set of biomedical entities such as genes?
- How can I analyze similarities among biomedical entities based on PubMed data on large-scale?

The objectives are:
- Learn how to use the SimText toolset
- Upload a table with biomedical entities in Galaxy
- Retrieve PubMed data for each of the biomedical entities
- Extract biomedical terms from the PubMed data for each biomedical entity
- Analyze the similarity among the biomedical entities based on the extracted data in an interactive app

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: statistics, interactive-tools

Target audience: Students

Resource type: hands-on tutorial

Authors: Daniel Blankenberg, Dennis Lal group, Marie Gramm

Contributors: Daniel Blankenberg, Dennis Lal group, Marie Gramm

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