hands-on tutorial

Hands-on for 'Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) annotation with FEELnc' tutorial

The questions this addresses are:
- How to annotate lncRNAs with FEELnc?
- How to classify lncRNAs according to their localisation and direction of transcription of proximal RNA transcripts?
- How to update genome annotation with these annotated lncRNAs?

The objectives are:
- Load data (genome assembly, annotation and mapped RNASeq) into Galaxy
- Perform a transcriptome assembly with StringTie
- Annotate lncRNAs with FEELnc
- Classify lncRNAs according to their location
- Update genome annotation with lncRNAs

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: genome-annotation, eukaryote

Target audience: Students

Resource type: hands-on tutorial

Authors: Stéphanie Robin

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