hands-on tutorial

Hands-on for 'Galaxy Interactive Tools' tutorial

The objectives are:
- Understand what Galaxy Interactive Tools are and how they work
- Be aware of the security implications of Interactive Tools
- Have a basic understanding of the Interactive Tools (GxIT/GIE) Proxy, its purpose, and configuration
- Be familiar with wildcard SSL certificates and how to get them from Let's Encrypt
- Configure your Galaxy to serve Interactive Tools using an Ansible Playbook
- Start, run, and use an Interactive Tool

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: admin, ansible, interactive-tools

Target audience: Students

Resource type: hands-on tutorial

Authors: Anthony Bretaudeau, Helena Rasche, Nate Coraor, Simon Gladman

Contributors: Anthony Bretaudeau, Helena Rasche, Nate Coraor, Simon Gladman

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