Documentation, Exercise, Handout, Scripts

3DAROC18 - 3C-based data analysis and 3D reconstruction of chromatin folding (2018)

3C-based methods, such as Hi-C, produce a huge amount of raw data as pairs of DNA reads that are spatially close in the cell nucleus. Overall, these interaction matrices have been used to study how the genome folds within the nucleus, that is one of the most fascinating problems in modern biology. The rigorous analysis of the paired-reads using computational tools has been essential to fully exploit the experimental technique, and to study how the genome is folded in the space. Currently, there is a huge expansion on the wealth of data on genome structure with the availability of many datasets of Hi-C experiments down to 1 kb resolution (see for example: Hi-C Data Browser; 3D Genome Browser or Aiden Lab).

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3813654

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: Hi-C

Target audience: Academia/ Research Institution, Industry, Non-Profit Organisation, Healthcare

Resource type: Documentation, Exercise, Handout, Scripts

Authors: The Gulbenkian Training Programme in Bioinformatics

Contributors: Marc A. Martí-Renom, François Serra, David Castillo

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