Date: 5 - 8 June 2012


            The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge and hands-on experience in developing applications software for processors with massively parallel computing resources. In general, we refer to a processor as massively parallel if it has the ability to complete more than 64 arithmetic operations per clock cycle. Many commercial offerings from NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel already offer such levels of concurrency. Effectively programming these processors will require in-depth knowledge about parallel programming principles, as well as the parallelism models, communication models, and resource limitations of these processors. The target audiences of the course are students who want to develop exciting applications for these processors, as well as those who want to develop programming tools and future implementations for these processors.

Level: BEGINNERS: for trainees from different background or very little knowledgeLearning Outcomes:
The students who finish this course will learn how to program massively parallel processors and achieve high performance, functionality, maintainability, and scalability across future generations.
The students who finish this course will acquire technical knowledge required to achieve the above goals by learning principles and patterns of parallel algorithms, processor architecture features and constraints, and programming API, tools and techniques.

        Basic knowledge of C/C++ programming
        Attendees will need to bring their own laptops with a SSH client



            from 05 June 2012 09:30 to 08 June 2012 18:00




            BSC, Barcelona

            Additional info:

Course Program Outline will be available closer to the dates

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Activity log