Date: 27 July 2020 @ 17:00 - 17:55

Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This workshop will present how to perform analysis of RNA sequencing data following the tidy data paradigm. The tidy data paradigm provides a standard way to organise data values within a dataset, where each variable is a column, each observation is a row, and data is manipulated using an easy-to-understand vocabulary. Most importantly, the data structure remains consistent across manipulation and analysis functions.

This can be achieved for RNA sequencing data with the tidybulk, tidyHeatmap and tidyverse packages. The package tidybulk provides a tidy data structure and a modular framework for bulk transcriptional analyses. tidyHeatmap provides a tidy implementation of ComplexHeatmap. These packages are part of the tidytranscriptomics suite that introduces a tidy approach to RNA sequencing data.

The topics presented in this workshop will be

  • Data exploration
  • Data dimensionality reduction and clustering
  • Differential gene expression analysis
  • Data visualisation


  • Basic knowledge of RStudio
  • Familiarity with tidyverse syntax

Recommended Background Reading
Introduction to R for Biologists

Keywords: RNA-seq, Transcriptomics, Differential Expression, Gene Expression, R-programming, Bioconductor, tidyverse

Organizer: Bioc2020

Target audience: Beginners

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Scientific topics: RNA-Seq

External resources:

Activity log